Hi, I’m almost 34 weeks pregnant, and when I lay down or just feel my belly, my cat joins me, nuzzling it and laying in between my legs while making biscuits on my belly. She also likes to lay on it and purrs. Is this soothing my baby? Why does my cat do this?
I’ve read they can hear the baby’s heartbeat and like listening to it, but that’s mostly anecdotal.
Cats like to be warm and cuddle with anything soft, like blankets or pillows.
I had a cat that loved laying on my baby bump. He would drape himself over my tummy and was very concerned about the baby once born.
I’ve heard cats can hear very well, so they might hear the baby. Plus, there’s warmth and changes in your smell that attract them.
My cat did this throughout my pregnancy too. He probably senses your body is working hard and wants to help you.
My cat stood guard over my baby after she was born. It’s a miracle how protective they can be.
There’s an old wives’ tale that a female cat loving on your baby bump means you’re having a boy.