What's the weirdest thing your pet is afraid of?

So my cat is absolutely terrified of cucumbers. Like, she’ll run out of the room the second she sees one. I have no idea why! What’s the strangest thing your pet is scared of? Anyone else’s pets have weird phobias?

My dog is scared of feathers! If he sees one on the ground while we’re walking, he’ll literally jump over it :joy: And he’s 70lbs… like seriously?

Sam said:
My dog is scared of feathers! If he sees one on the ground while we’re walking, he’ll literally jump over it :joy: And he’s 70lbs… like seriously?

Omg, that’s hilarious! I wouldn’t think feathers would be scary to a dog, especially a big one!

Sam said:
My dog is scared of feathers! If he sees one on the ground while we’re walking, he’ll literally jump over it :joy: And he’s 70lbs… like seriously?

Feathers though? :laughing: My dog’s scared of plastic bags, so I guess pets just pick random stuff to freak out over!

My 100-pound pit mix is terrified of small grills. I have to hide it or she won’t go near it :joy:

Freddie said:
My 100-pound pit mix is terrified of small grills. I have to hide it or she won’t go near it :joy:

At first, I thought you said small girls… I need to get more sleep :joy:

My cat freaks out at her own reflection, but only if it’s on a TV that’s turned off. It’s like she knows something’s not right.

Rory said:
My cat freaks out at her own reflection, but only if it’s on a TV that’s turned off. It’s like she knows something’s not right.

What’s with cats and mirrors/screens? Mine also hates seeing her reflection!

My dog hates when anyone sneezes. It’s like he thinks the world is ending. He’ll run out of the room every time :person_shrugging:

Rowan said:
My dog hates when anyone sneezes. It’s like he thinks the world is ending. He’ll run out of the room every time :person_shrugging:

Same! Sneezing makes my dog jump and give me this look like ‘How could you?’. So dramatic.

My cat’s scared of spaghetti… like, if I drop one noodle on him, he freaks out. I can’t even explain it.

Oakley said:
My cat’s scared of spaghetti… like, if I drop one noodle on him, he freaks out. I can’t even explain it.

Spaghetti?? That’s a new one! I guess it’s the texture? :joy: