What's the Best Food for an Elderly Dog Nearing the End?

What’s the best food for an elderly dog nearing the end? My yellow lab is quite old, and before she passes, I want to prepare a meal that she will truly enjoy. I’ve heard people give dogs steaks, but I’m concerned it might be too tough for her. Any suggestions for something more suitable?

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Prepare a steak for her, but make sure to cut it into very small pieces before serving. You can also include some steamed baby carrots (softened) and warmed beef broth for her to drink. This way, she can enjoy a final steak dinner and eat it comfortably.

little chunks of tenderized processed beef. To be honest, I would choose a hot dog. Your dog won’t miss steak if it has never had it before. Hot dogs are also tasty, salty, and reasonably priced.

Perhaps some whipped cream for dessert, along with a peanut butter chaser.