What are rats like as pets?

Although I have done some study online, I wanted to hear from folks who have really owned rats as pets. Con and advantages, things you wish you had known before purchasing a rat. Things to do and not do. Really anything in general.

Rats often get a bad rap, but they can make wonderful pets.
They’re intelligent, social, and surprisingly clean.

Pros of Owning Rats:

  • Intelligence: Rats are incredibly smart and can learn tricks and commands.
  • Social Creatures: They thrive in groups and form strong bonds with their owners.
  • Low Maintenance: They don’t require excessive grooming or walking.
  • Cost-Effective: Rats are relatively inexpensive to care for.

Cons of Owning Rats:

  • Short Lifespan: Unfortunately, rats have a shorter lifespan compared to other pets.
  • Nocturnal: Rats are primarily nocturnal, which might disrupt sleep patterns for some owners.
  • Odor: While rats are clean animals, their cages need regular cleaning to prevent odors.
  • Stereotypes: Overcoming negative perceptions of rats can be challenging.

Tips for Rat Ownership:

  • Socialization: Handle your rats frequently to build trust and bond with them.
  • Enrichment: Provide plenty of toys, tunnels, and climbing opportunities to keep them mentally stimulated.
  • Diet: Offer a balanced diet of rat pellets and fresh vegetables.
  • Veterinary Care: Find a veterinarian experienced in rodent care.


Rats are sensitive creatures, so handling them gently and respectfully is essential.

When I decided to get rats as pets, I was both excited and a bit unsure. From my experience, the biggest pros are their intelligence and affectionate nature—they can form strong bonds and learn tricks, which is incredibly rewarding. However, they do require a lot of care and social interaction, as they can get lonely and bored easily. I wish I had known more about their specific dietary needs and the importance of a large, stimulating cage to keep them healthy and happy. Regular cleaning of their living space and providing safe, chewable toys are also crucial. Overall, if you’re ready for the commitment, rats can make wonderful pets, but they do require thoughtful care and attention.