What are effective methods for eliminating fleas from your cats?

After going through numerous discussions on this topic, I’m baffled by the variety of methods suggested. Why isn’t there a definitive solution for getting rid of fleas?

I’ve heard about calling an exterminator, flea bombing, using Diatomaceous earth, applying drops like Advantage and Bravecto, getting drops from the vet, setting up a bowl of water with a lamp, using borax, vacuuming extensively, and more.

It seems like with any method, if you miss even one flea, the problem persists. I want to know the surefire way to completely eliminate fleas.

I believe it’s possible, but how?


As someone training to be a vet tech, we delved deep into this topic during parasitology sessions. Unfortunately, there’s no single solution to get rid of fleas entirely. Surprisingly, around 75-90% of fleas in your home are in the egg or larvae stage.

Flea eggs aren’t sticky, so they drop off pets onto carpets or furniture fabric, where they linger for 3-4 weeks until hatching and reattaching to pets. This means just targeting adult fleas won’t solve the issue.

First off, focus on treating your pets. I highly recommend Seresto collars; they’re effective, lasting 8 months, and budget-friendly.

Next, consider bug-bombing your house. Ensure pets and yourself are out as per the package instructions.

Then, get vacuuming—like, a lot. Cover all fabric areas in the house. Over the next few weeks, vacuum daily to pick up eggs and immature fleas. Empty the vacuum each time and dispose of the trash. You want to eradicate all life stages from the house. Don’t forget to wash sheets, pet bedding, and blankets too.

Lastly, address the yard. Keep grass trimmed, clear yard debris, and eliminate any standing water sources.


Thanks a lot for sharing your expertise! I really appreciate the detailed explanation. It’s eye-opening to learn about the different stages of fleas and how they persist in the environment. I’ll definitely take your advice on board and start with treating my pets and then follow through with bug-bombing and regular vacuuming. Your tips for treating the yard are also super helpful.

Thanks again for taking the time to help me out with this!


You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help shed some light on the situation. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out anytime.

Wishing you the best of luck in getting rid of those pesky fleas!


A very big thanks Dolph :handshake:


Additionally, it’s a good idea to keep your cats indoors. And if you can manage it, consider keeping chickens, ducks, or guinea fowl around. They’re natural hunters and love munching on insects, which can help keep the flea population in check.


Absolutely, you’re spot on with that! Wild critters aren’t just carriers for fleas; they also bring along ticks and other pesky internal bugs. Plus, having backyard poultry is fantastic for keeping pests in check, and let’s not forget the joy of watching them strut around!

Oh, and those fresh eggs are an added bonus! I totally get your excitement about getting chickens again when you move; they’re such fun to have around!

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Flea Collars method ,Contemporary flea collars have the capability to eliminate fleas, their eggs, larvae, and ticks upon contact while also deterring fleas.


Yeah, I hear you. It’s tough when you’re looking after semi-feral outdoor cats. Keeping them indoors or having backyard poultry might not be feasible in that situation.

Let’s see if there are other options that could work better for outdoor cat colonies.

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Ah, I understand what you’re going through. Dealing with a feral cat with fleas can be really challenging, especially when you start feeling itchy yourself. Let’s figure out the best way to tackle this problem and make sure you and the cat are both comfortable.

Yeah, bombing alone might not do the trick, and it can even scatter fleas around your home. What really helps is using both Insect Growth Regulators (IGR) and Adulticides regularly to break the flea life cycle and kill the adults.

That sounds like a solid method! It’s great that flea collars nowadays are designed to tackle fleas at every stage of their life cycle and even handle ticks. Thanks for sharing!

Flea infestations can be frustrating because there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. The reason? Fleas have a complex life cycle with eggs, larvae, and pupae hiding in carpets and pet bedding, while adult fleas jump on your pet. This means you need a multi-pronged attack. Exterminators or vets can provide the strongest solutions, but even with sprays or drops, you’ll still need to vacuum like crazy, wash pet bedding on high heat, and maybe even treat your yard to kill those sneaky eggs and larvae. It’s a pain, but by hitting fleas at every stage, you can win the war!