Spot pet insurance reviews


I am looking for real-life experiences with pet insurance companies like Spot and Pumpkin. My one-year-old pug is approaching his first year of potential vet bills, and I’m interested in capping my financial risk with pet insurance. While I understand some people prefer saving for unexpected costs, I’m comfortable with the premiums and want the peace of mind that insurance provides.

Has anyone had positive or negative experiences with Spot or Pumpkin, particularly regarding annual price hikes? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

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I’ve had a great experience with Spot. This year has been tough, with both of our puppies needing emergency vet visits several times and around 16 regular vet visits. I even joked about moving in with the vet.

Spot made it easy by reimbursing all our expenses without any hassle. I was expecting some pushback, especially since the puppies’ issues were unusual and required numerous tests, and they likely lost money on us this year.

I highly recommend Spot!

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Avoid using Spot. They find excuses to deny coverage and are just like Nationwide.

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I’ll say no to Spot!! I filed a claim on January 8th. After waiting for 4 weeks, they finally confirmed they had all the necessary information. Then, after another 2 weeks, they said they actually needed more details.

Today, I decided to cancel my policies with them. There’s no use in staying if they can’t handle claims correctly, especially after they assured me they had everything they needed.

Their wreviews also warns of long wait times and delays in processing claims, so I definitely suggest avoiding them.