Saying goodbye to my princess tomorrow morning. What should we have for breakfast? Her name is Ellie, but we call her Bubba sometimes. I got her for $50 from the trunk of a van in a Walmart parking lot 14 years ago when I was a senior in high school. If only those folks knew how much I really got her for. We’ve shared so many experiences, from countless tennis balls thrown to endless trails run. This is my first time parting with a pet who has been by my side through so much. While humans may view dogs as just part of their lives, for dogs, we are their entire world. Ellie loves pancakes, but I’m thinking about spoiling her with a donut or something special. I’m definitely going to make her some little sizzlers, her absolute favorite. Any ideas?
I bet she would love it! We’re also getting ready to say goodbye to our 15-year-old kitty in a few days, and it’s really tough. I hope you have a beautiful last day together.
I let go of my 15-year-old pet recently. It’s tough. Sending hugs.
An over easy egg (no seasoning) is a great treat! Easy on the mouth and apparently tastes great. Combine it with her other favorites.
My dog got chocolate Hagen-Dazs and Cheetos as her last meal before her home euthanasia, with the vet’s approval.
On my dog’s last day, we went to the mountains and let him run and chase balls. For lunch, he had a burger and fries; for dinner, a steak, baked potato, and carrots. A beautiful way to say goodbye.
Sending you lots of love. I haven’t had to part with a pet yet, but I’m so sorry you’re going through this.
I made my dog roasted duck the day before and ice cream the day of. It was nice to see him excited for a last treat.
Our dog enjoyed a line of cheeseburgers and a pup cup before we said goodbye.
I’m so sorry for what you’re facing. It sounds like Ellie had a wonderful life with you. Maybe give her a goodbye kiss of chocolate, as no dog should go to heaven without tasting some.
We just let our dog hobble around the vet’s office before saying goodbye. It’s a gift to have these dogs who love us so much.
Scrambled eggs were a favorite of my beagle’s. I made them for her on her last day.
Breakfast? Canadian bacon or smoked salmon would be great. Also, consider bringing something sweet to the vet.
We always get our dogs a huge cupcake for their last day and then let them have as many treats as they want. Just make her last day special!
Pancakes with bacon cooked into them sound delicious.
How about pancakes with chocolate chips? Also consider other treats she’s always been curious about.
I hope you’ve opted for in-home euthanasia. Sending you a virtual shoulder to cry on.
Chocolate ice cream would be a nice treat for her.
Pancakes topped with ice cream, whipped cream, sprinkles, and chocolate syrup would be a great farewell breakfast.