Roommate neglects dog like crazy

So I have 2 dogs and a cat, and my roommate has one dog. Mine get normal care taken of them as you’d expect a dog to. She has a pitbull, so it is prone to skin issues. It has a horrible, bloody and scabby ear infection as well as scabby skin. She does not allow it to leave her room to potty until 11am or so daily and does not let it go out before bed. It barely gets to eat consistent meals and has nails the size of eagle’s talons. But he is horribly mannered and will scream or bite anyone trying to trim her nails. So Petco won’t happen, it’s “too stressful” for her to trim them, and finding a groomer who works with muzzles is “too much.” Every time he does something slightly wrong, she screams his name and hits him. The dog is just neglected in every way, and I’ve even had to feed it from time to time so it doesn’t starve. There’s no flea prevention, no vet visits, and no vaccinations. She feigns mental disorders she doesn’t have and blames all poor behavior on her mental health (aka laziness) and doesn’t have a job, making her boyfriend pay for everything. She doesn’t even allow my 13-year-old senior dog to go pee if I’m not home because he likes to sniff around instead of just peeing and running back in. I want this dog to go to a better home, but I don’t know how. I can’t afford taking care of another dog more than I already do. I’m $500 deep in just feeding and making sure the fella isn’t suffering daily. I want this dog to live a better life, but she claims this dog means so much to her and is her everything, yet she’s a terrible owner. It’s heartbreaking.

Please contact local animal control and report them! This is heartbreaking.

This breaks my heart. I don’t know who you can contact about this, but I recommend documenting everything. Pictures, video, etc., so when you do find someone to contact, you have proof.

Contact a pitbull rescue in your area/state. They may have suggestions or ideas on how to get the dog away from her.

You should contact any local animal welfare agencies and ask them what to do.

Call Animal Control. They can seize the dog for neglect and abuse and bring it to a shelter to be cared for and rehomed.

Animal control might euthanize the dog too though. Animal control should be a last resort for pets.

Could you pretend the dog ran out and got hit? Maybe find a photo of a dead animal online? It sounds morbid, but I don’t know what else would work.

Find a new owner. ‘Oh no, the dog must’ve ran away.’ I doubt someone who cares this little would put in effort to get them back.

Send her how to care for dogs on FB. Watch videos from Veterinary Secrets on YouTube. Remedies using natural ingredients could help until you can get to a vet.

Really unhelpful and borderline harmful advice. Trimming nails should never be painful. If it is, you’re cutting them wrong or too short. Flea collars do not work. Please see a vet.

I would suggest contacting the humane society or a pit bull rescue instead of animal control. They have a tendency to euthanize.

An aggressive pitbull with health issues who can’t be handled by vet staff is likely to be euthanized by your local shelter. A pit rescue might try to rehabilitate him.

Chances are he is aggressive due to frustration. Call animal welfare wherever you live and report them anonymously.