Pets and Traveling

I’m considering getting a pet, either a cat or a dog. I can take care of it financially, and I don’t have any other major responsibilities. I work from home most of the time, and there’s plenty of green space in my area for walks.

However, I travel quite often for work, and I’m concerned about how to ensure a pet’s happiness during those times. Sometimes I might be able to take them with me, but flying can be stressful for animals. Leaving them at a boarding facility feels cruel, and leaving them in my apartment with an occasional sitter might be even worse, especially since it gets really hot and I don’t have a good ventilation system or AC.

I believe I could offer a pet a good life most of the time, but I’m worried they might feel abandoned or be mistreated during the 2-3 months each year (not consecutively) when I’m away.