Neutering my kitten

Hey, So it’s almost time to get my little man snipped, and I’m getting anxious about it. I talked to the receptionist yesterday, and basically, he gets dropped off at 9 and has to sit in a cage until somewhere between 12-3, which is when they start surgery. He can’t eat until dinner. I’m 100% pro spay and neuter, and I’m doing it, but I need reassurance that he’ll be okay and won’t hate me forever. I know he’ll hate this experience; he loves food and plays.

Also, should I have a harness on him? I’m anxious they’ll let him out when it’s time for surgery, and he’ll bolt after being stuck in a cage for hours. And should I feed him extra after to make up for the missed meals? I have ADHD and didn’t come up with these questions until after my call!

Hey there! I totally understand these anxious thoughts before a big vet appointment. Just know that you’re doing the right thing, and I’m proud of you for it. Your kitten will be just fine! The vets are professionals and care for your kitten as much as you do. Even if he were to bolt, it’s unlikely he’d escape. It’s normal for pets to be scared, but they’re experienced with that.

Please don’t give him extra food afterwards; he might throw up. A little wet food is okay, but he won’t miss those extra meals.

He’ll be fine. They usually remove collars and harnesses, so I wouldn’t put anything on him. The vet is used to escape artists. Just don’t give him extra food; they often throw it up after anesthesia. If you give him wet food, mashed with some water, that might be easier on his belly after.

Unless something has changed, yes, you should withhold water too. It’s for the same reason as humans—concerns about vomiting during surgery. And he won’t hate you forever—he might just hate the vet. But remember, these surgeries are routine, and he’ll bounce back quickly.

Millions of cats are desexed without issues. The vet staff are trained to prevent escapes. After surgery, feed him lightly the first evening to avoid nausea, then resume normal meals the next day.