Need Advice: 8-Month-Old Female Husky

Please don’t hate me; I’m trying hard, but I just can’t get my husky to behave. We got Ozzie when she was six months old. The breeder we bought her from lied about deworming her and her having a passport, so we got her vaccinated, dewormed, and did everything you’re supposed to do.

We have two cats, and she likes to grab them by their necks—we always stop this when we see it. She’s also bad about mouthing, and my arms and hands are usually scratched up and red. My husband is the big dog person; I’m more of a small dog person. I walk her, play with her, and try treat training, but I just don’t know what to do.

She’s surprisingly quiet until my husband or I leave. Then it’s a full-on meltdown. She screams, howls, destroys stuff—you name it. I’ve tried playing with her, walking her, and even letting her run during those times, but she still acts out. I have a few scars from her pawing and scratching me, she’s given me bloody noses from smacking me in the face, made my mouth bleed, and she’s even broken my glasses.

We tried clicker training for the past two months, but it wasn’t working. We don’t have the money for professional training, and I don’t want to get rid of her—I love her—but I just don’t know what to do.

Any advice would be appreciated.