My first kitten and a big challenge... extreme heat?

I have a question regarding my new kitten. This is the first time I’m adopting a cat, and I have one problem. I live in a small country in South America, where it’s extremely hot. Right now, we’re experiencing temperatures of 40°C (100+F). My apartment feels like an oven and has very little to no insulation. Every time I leave for work, I go out feeling worried about her wellbeing. I leave the fan on, which is really loud, and the windows open, but I know it’s still extremely hot, and that concerns me a lot, to the point I can’t concentrate during work hours. She’s a rescued kitten, only 6 months old, and has some health issues. I’ve been reading a lot of different comments, but I haven’t seen anyone mention taking their cat to work regularly. Although I know they’re extremely territorial, I tried taking her with me yesterday, and while she was calm most of the time, by the end of the afternoon, she seemed really stressed. What do you recommend I do? How can I make sure both she and I are okay? Should I continue taking her with me? TIA

I totally get your concern. Heat can be tough on pets. Have you considered getting a cooler for your apartment?

Jony said:
I totally get your concern. Heat can be tough on pets. Have you considered getting a cooler for your apartment?

I haven’t thought about that. Do you think it would help a lot?

Definitely. Keeping her cool is super important, especially with her health issues.

I would avoid taking her to work if she gets stressed. Cats usually prefer their own space.

Avery said:
I would avoid taking her to work if she gets stressed. Cats usually prefer their own space.

That makes sense. I just want to make sure she’s comfortable.

Try using wet towels or a cool mat for her to lay on. That might help her feel better in the heat.

Ashton said:
Try using wet towels or a cool mat for her to lay on. That might help her feel better in the heat.

I can definitely try that. Thanks for the tip.

You might also want to get a temperature gauge for your apartment. It could help you monitor the heat better.

Baylor said:
You might also want to get a temperature gauge for your apartment. It could help you monitor the heat better.

Good idea. I’ll look into getting one.

Make sure she has plenty of fresh water. Hydration is key in this heat.

Val said:
Make sure she has plenty of fresh water. Hydration is key in this heat.

I always make sure she has water, but I’ll double-check it before leaving.

If you can, try to keep her in the coolest part of your apartment when you’re away.

Vann said:
If you can, try to keep her in the coolest part of your apartment when you’re away.

That’s a good point. I’ll see if she has a favorite spot.

You might want to consider a pet sitter if you work long hours. It could help her feel less stressed.

Skyler said:
You might want to consider a pet sitter if you work long hours. It could help her feel less stressed.

I haven’t thought about that. It might be worth looking into.

Have you thought about getting her a small fan? It could help with air circulation.

Casey said:
Have you thought about getting her a small fan? It could help with air circulation.

That’s a great suggestion. I’ll look into that as well.

Just remember, it’s normal for them to feel a bit stressed in new environments. It takes time for them to adjust.

Val said:
Just remember, it’s normal for them to feel a bit stressed in new environments. It takes time for them to adjust.

Thanks for the reassurance. I just want her to feel safe.