My cat keeps moving her kitten

Hello! Since our cat got her kitten approximately two weeks ago, we’ve noticed that everytime I come home and the air conditioner is running, our cat always moves her kitten into my room. Since the kitten is unable to control their body temperature, I am aware that the mother and kitten must be on a specific heat.

Since we live in a tropical nation, I worry that she will always be carrying her cat with her, therefore I always keep my air conditioning on in my room.

It sounds like your cat is instinctively moving her kitten to your room because the air conditioning creates a more comfortable temperature for the newborn, who can’t regulate their body heat well. In tropical climates, it’s crucial to maintain a stable temperature, ideally around 75-80°F (24-27°C), to keep both the mother and kitten comfortable. To support them, ensure your room is consistently at this temperature and consider providing a cozy, insulated spot with soft bedding and a warm blanket or heating pad to maintain warmth without needing to adjust the AC constantly. This approach will help keep your cat and her kitten comfortable and safe.