I need a pet recommendation, please

I am allergic to cats. I’ve tried, thinking my allergy would subside even just a little bit but it would only result in my eyes itching and my face red and scratched by my nails.

I need a pet to love. Someone, please recommend me a pet that I could have. And please make sure it’s not an endangered species or something.

I love cuddles. I would love to cuddle with an animal. Maybe with one that could warm my lap and sleep on my tummy? Maybe an animal that would come to me every time I come home if I treat it with enough love. Perhaps an animal capable of showing physical vulnerability and love. Being trainable is a bonus!

Asking for a friend here


I need to know.

Do you live somewhere that accepts animals?

Do you have money for vet bills?

Do you have time to care for an animal, and if so, how many hours a day do you spend at home?


I’m glad this is the top reply.

Dogs need MORE than one hour walks or playtime. More like 3 hours minimum for even the couch potato. The exception is senior dogs, but they have a higher need to see the vet and more bathroom breaks.

Rats are very social, and while they can be trained, they need almost 18 hours of interaction is you dont have another rat, and if you do they still need at least 8 hours. Rats do have higher vet bills, but lower spay and neuter fees.

If you want something that truly will cuddle and not be an issue, get a snake. Preferably from a reputable breeder where they have been held since hatching (do RESEARCH) Snakes love your body heat and will cuddle 24/7 if allowed. Just do not cuddle on feed day, and do NOT feed in the same cage it sleeps in. Also, be ready for EXPENSIVE vet bills if anything goes wrong, as well as never being able to go on vacation without them.

Stay away from iguanas and birds. They require daily interaction, do not like to be touched, and Prefer one person their whole life.


I live in my own house so yes!

Yes I do!

Absolutely since I only work outside for half a day and the rest at home

Thank you for asking this!!


What about volunteering at your local animal shelter once a week for a couple of hours and get a feel for what might make you happy … Animals no matter how small require love, patients and time and some still may never be cuddly.


Get a pet rat! They love attention, like to cuddle, will come to you, can eat any food you’d like to share, are trainable, and don’t make any noise. They do well in pairs but are ok alone. We had them for years and had a blast with them. Just be sure to change the bedding before it starts to smell


Also second this. Had so many rats growing up and even to this day. I prefer girls but boys tend to be way more cuddly. Really depends on the rat tho. They are great to train and pretty low maintenance (besides cleaning and the occasional need for vet).


Guinea pigs would not be a good choice. They need to be in pairs and require a large cage. They’re not always snuggly. They’re super skittish.


Yup! This is why I told op to research first because @MaxBarkley’s request of pets are just dogs or cats tbh, can’t find any pets that can be trained/cuddly like dogs/cats

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Tegus are like the puppy dogs of reptiles