I hosted a fun but cringey birthday bash for my cats

I had been feeling pretty down for a couple of weeks and really needed something to look forward to, so I decided to throw a birthday party for my cats, spending about a week planning it. I went to the store, bought gifts, and wrapped them up (they love tearing paper, so they had a great time playing with the wrapping). I set up decorations and got myself a cake along with a cat cake, which was basically tuna topped with vanilla ice cream and cat treats for sprinkles—they absolutely loved it! I even got them little party hats and one for myself. I saved up some empty Amazon boxes to create a box playground for them, and they enjoyed hopping around and lounging in the boxes.

I felt a bit embarrassed to share this with family and friends since it seemed cringey; I was the only human at the party, along with my three cats.

Regardless, it was the best few hours I’ve had in months, and I could tell they were really enjoying themselves.

I would love to see pictures if you’re willing to post them! This sounds so cool and I always meant to plan something like this for my girl but I don’t think she’d give a shit.

BrianCopland said:
I would love to see pictures if you’re willing to post them! This sounds so cool and I always meant to plan something like this for my girl but I don’t think she’d give a shit.

Sadly I didn’t take a photo but if I did I’m afraid someone would recognize me lol. I’m very shy

BrianCopland said:
I would love to see pictures if you’re willing to post them! This sounds so cool and I always meant to plan something like this for my girl but I don’t think she’d give a shit.

This sounds like the best party ever. Seriously. My cats and I would definitely attend a future one, and I bet your cats had the best day ever!

This is adorable and I am impressed by all the things you thought to do. Will have to put this on my to-do list! :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat:

Piper said:
This is adorable and I am impressed by all the things you thought to do. Will have to put this on my to-do list! :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat:

It’s truly heartwarming, and I’m proud of you. Doing something for yourself and your animals is wonderful, and who cares what anyone else thinks? My husband would have loved this too!

So awesome!

Happy Purrday little murder mits!

Oh no, a person having fun without harming anyone, the horror…

Not cringey at all. I’m already planning what to get my cat for Christmas as his next bday isn’t until next year xD

He a very simple himbo though so some new versions of his favourite toys and a tin of the super fancy cat food with whole anchovies is the current plan. Whether I can convince him with enough treats to tolerate a little hat is a different matter entirely though.

If it brings you and your cats joy, and more importantly does no harm, you keep doing what you’re doing ^^

Just dropping in to say I’d love an invite to the next one! I’d be happy to cook for all the feline purrsonnel and their humans.

I’m also down to help build a ginormous box fort or castle for the kitties, and maybe a pillow fort for the humans too!

Honestly, friend, this is the best idea I’ve heard in ages for boosting spirits. Vivi (my tortie) and I (her human) could definitely use a pick-meow-up.

We should all start hosting cat parties and sharing pictures!

Sending hugs to those who need them and catnip for anyone who might prefer it instead.

You rock, OP! :paw_prints:

Same here! I whip up a delicious buffalo chicken dip. Nina (my 12-year-old female tortie), Joey (my 6-year-old female tortie), and I would be thrilled to come! Well… maybe not Joey, but Nina is always ready for a car ride.

I am a dedicated dog mom and I have never thrown a birthday party for one of my babies. However, I recently found out that my adopted pomeranian has an April 19th birthday. (The previous owner found his AKC paperwork.) He has a collapsed trachea, heart murmur, and degenerative spine and if he makes it to 16 next spring I’m throwing him the biggest bash you can imagine.

This is so sweet and I’m glad you did this for your fur babies!

You are awesome! Great cat parent!
Way to level up the creativity and treat yourself as well as the fur-babies. :cat2::black_cat::cat2: The world needs more of this :blue_heart:

Aw. So cute. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That’s so sweet :face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears:

Invite me next time?

OMG this sounds like so much fun!!

BYOB :package: I was hoping for photos, sounds like fun

Yay kitties! I second homemade whipped cream, it really doesn’t need sugar