I can't stand people who don't neuter/spay their outdoor cats

I already disapprove of outdoor cats in general in most situations, though I can understand if a cat was somewhat feral or a farm cat. Such is the case in my area; I live surrounded by a lot of farmland, so it’s not unusual to see a cat or two wandering. However, recently, one has been visiting and trying so hard to get to my female cats in my place. He sprays my porch constantly and lingers around until I open the door, then he bolts. I’m so tired of my cats being consistently stressed out because of this. It’s even caused instances of redirected aggression and territorial aggression between them because of how much he sprays and stalks. Please, if your cat HAS to be outside, at least neuter the mfer!

I have caught and fixed over 70 adult cats. Many went to good homes, and some went back to their feral colonies. The cats suffer so much! I hate those people.

Trap it and take it to a shelter. That’s a stray as far as I’m concerned.

It’s a major issue with me. I would trap and neuter and determine what to do at that point. One of my boys was spraying a lot in an area of my kitchen. Came to figure out there were cats sleeping under my front porch.

It is such ignorance not to fix/spay your pets. I’m not a fan of them running loose outside either.

Personally, I’d take him to a shelter as a stray. If these people can’t even be bothered to neuter their cats, they can lose them, especially letting them destroy other people’s property like this.

I can’t stand people who have outdoor cats at all. It’s so lazy and irresponsible. If your cat is constantly pining for the outdoors, you haven’t done enough to enrich it.

My three came from outside, and all three are indoor/outdoor cats. They have tunnels, wand toys, and everything else to keep them entertained. All three are desexed and vaxxed.

They reproduce incredibly fast. Just fixing one cat prevents dozens more. Good luck trapping that one.

OP: Trap the cat, get him neutered. It’s not his fault that humans haven’t taken care of him properly.

Outdoor cats in general make me really sad. They absolutely decimate native bird populations.