I don’t know why I am posting this. I feel terrible and keep picturing this in my head. I was walking my two dogs and at some point I had to untangle their leashes. While I was doing that, the leash handle of the youngest (less than a year old) slipped out of my hand. He took off running. He crossed two smaller quiet streets in our neighborhood, but I knew he was headed to the big, busy street. I was running while telling my other dog to run, but I couldn’t catch up. Sure enough, the younger one crossed the large busy two-way street before I even turned the corner. I was calling him and whistling. By the time the large street was in view, he was on the island and about to make a move, either continue crossing to the other side, or come back to my side.
There were not too many cars, but they do go fast. I saw that he was going to cross back to my side and at the same time a car was coming towards him. By this time I was close to being in the street, but I had my other dog and didn’t want to also put him in danger. I saw puppy about to step off the island right at the same time the car got to where he was. I doubt the driver saw him because the car didn’t slow down nor move lanes. I thought this was it! I almost turned away but didn’t.
By some miracle that car passed, and at that exact same time, puppy crossed right after and thankfully no other cars were coming. He made it across the street and I stepped on the leash and got him. I can’t stop picturing him so tiny on the island barking and probably scared or confused, about to cross the street and that car coming at the same time. I literally saw his life flash before me.
Of course I’m thankful that he is safe, but I can’t stop getting sad and anxious when I picture it in my mind.
As someone who saw my childhood puppy get hit when I was 12, this is still haunting me to this day. I’m paranoid about my current dogs getting away and have anxiety when pet sitters have them while we’re gone. I’m so happy to hear your pup is safe and alive!
I always give the command to wait. Then grab the leads below the tangle. If that sounds complicated, give the wait command, step on the tangled leashes, and untangle as much as you can. You just always need to make sure that you’re holding on to part of it. Teaching the wait command is what you need to do.
Wow, great job you went right after the puppy! With this little dog I have, full of energy at all times, I try stepping on the leash too. Gosh, like kids, they dart off before you can stop them sometimes. Very glad all is ok.
It’s hard talking about these things because you will often get hit by a ton of hate, telling you everything you did wrong, which you obviously already know. But these people have never had this happen to them. Don’t beat yourself up; it’s so lucky that your puppy is safe and well!
Once it happened to me. My friend opened the door, and my husband’s dog ran into the street. I saw a car coming, so I ran into the street, ready to be hit. Nothing happened, and I didn’t know if I was happy or mad.
Been there due to my younger guy slipping his harness when a train signal scared him. He now wears an escape-proof harness. I walk my boys with a waist leash with their individual leashes connected to it. Easy to detangle when needed.
To help in the future, it might be safer to walk both dogs individually until the younger one is more trained. Training him was my top priority after seeing so many stories like yours.
We were traveling and stopped at a gas station. I dropped the leash and my dog took off. It was terrifying, but we found her behind the gas station. I just wanted to say try to let go of the ‘what if.’ Your baby is safe!