How do those who are unable to own pets manage?

My partner and I both adore animals and have had similar, emotionally challenging experiences with losing pets in the past. After we started dating and moved in together, we healed and casually talked about getting new pets. But now, after moving to a new country and facing its challenges, he keeps bringing up new reasons not to get pets—like concerns about our expensive furniture and the need for me to have a driver’s license for vet visits. I’m starting to feel we might never have pets, and it’s really disheartening. Watching cat videos has become difficult, and I’m struggling to accept the situation.

Volunteer at Rescue Centres. Rescue centres are always in need of volunteers.
Go to Pet Events.
Help out Friends and Family.
Grab a Coffee with a Cat!
Become a Dog Walker.
Borrow One.


visiting relatives and friends who own pets and urging them to send images and videos

letting your neighbors know that you enjoy animals and that you can be of assistance if they need someone to occasionally walk their dog or pet-sit.

You may also check into volunteer activities nearby. For example, persons recovering from surgeries or chronic illnesses frequently find it difficult to provide their pets with the regular care they need and may require assistance to prevent inadvertent mistreatment or separation from loved ones.

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After experiencing the heartbreak of losing pets in the past, my partner and I bonded over our shared love for animals and dreamed of having new pets once we moved in together. However, after relocating to a new country and dealing with its challenges, my partner’s concerns about our expensive furniture and my lack of a driver’s license for vet visits have made him hesitant. This situation has left me feeling disheartened and struggling to accept that we might never have pets, making it even hard to watch cat videos. It’s been a tough adjustment, but I hope open communication and finding solutions can eventually bring us closer to fulfilling our dream of having pets again.

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