How can I prevent my cats from spraying?

Hey there, I have talked about this before. My 8-month-old boy cat sprays everywhere. He lifts his back end and sprays in places like my laundry basket and bed, even when I’m not around. I’ve tried different litter, hidden my laundry basket, and kept him out of my bedroom. But now he’s spraying behind the door and sofa. Someone suggested neutering him, so I did. But it hasn’t helped. I’m not sure what else to do.

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It sounds like you’re dealing with a frustrating situation. Despite neutering, if your cat continues to spray, it could indicate underlying stress or territorial issues. Consider consulting with a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues and possibly a feline behaviorist to address the spraying behavior. Additionally, try implementing environmental enrichment and calming techniques to reduce stress and discourage spraying.

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To stop a cat from spraying inside, keep them away from the spot they have used before and clean it really well. This helps remove the smell, so they will not want to go there again. Just clean it up and let it dry.

@Jason Neutering may take time to show results. Consider consulting a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for further guidance.

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This might not be a solution why cant @jason clean up that spot

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For consulting the Vet is just great IDEA!

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