Have more than 2 cats? Have cats and dogs? How’s it going?

Hi, I currently have two cats and I adore them! I got both of them this year and I’m a first-time pet mom. I got my first cat in March and I read that having two cats is beneficial because they are social creatures and they can play with each other. So I got my second cat in May. They love each other and the transition was very smooth! Now I’m obsessed with cats lol. Like every time I see one at the pet stores, I want to bring them home with me. I can’t right now because my condo has a two-pet limit, but I’m curious how having more than two is going for people? I read that having three cats disrupts their hierarchy system or something like that. Is that true? How was the transition? Do you ever get overwhelmed with having three? Any tips you would give? My boyfriend loves cats now, but he grew up being a dog person and wants to have a dog in the future. How is it having cat(s) and a dog? Would you recommend getting a puppy rather than an older dog to help the transition be easier? Do they get along well? Any tips? This is all a future problem for me, but I’m just so curious about others’ experiences!

I have three cats and it’s been great! They each have their own personalities, and while there was some initial squabbling, they’ve formed a solid group. I don’t think the hierarchy was disrupted; it just changed how they interact. Just watch for any signs of stress and give them plenty of spaces to retreat to if needed.

We have two cats and one dog, and it was a bit tricky at first. Our dog is very curious about the cats, but they’ve all settled into a routine now. I’d recommend adopting a dog that’s known to be good with cats, and if you can, get a younger dog. Puppies can adapt better to having cats around.

Having three cats can definitely work! Just make sure you have enough resources (food, litter boxes, etc.) for everyone. I’ve found that having more than two can sometimes lead to one cat feeling left out, so be mindful of that. More time spent playing and interacting helps keep the peace!

I have four cats and a dog, and they all get along surprisingly well. The key is to introduce them slowly and supervise their interactions. It can be overwhelming at times, especially during feeding and playtime, but I love having a big furry family!

I think it depends on the individual pets. Some cats can be territorial, so introducing a new cat or dog should be done carefully. If your boyfriend is keen on getting a dog, maybe wait until your cats are comfortable and then introduce a puppy. Puppies are often more adaptable to living with cats.

I had a similar concern about getting a third cat. What helped me was creating separate spaces for each cat. This way, they can have their own zones to feel secure. It also helps to provide plenty of enrichment activities to keep them occupied and happy.