My friend came to visit for one night with her dog. When they left, my friend and I noticed a strong odor, as if the dog had expressed her anal glands. It’s most visible in one area. However, I see no evidence of liquid (or anything related to cleaning). Does anyone know how to get rid of this odor if I can’t find the source? Will it go away?
Use a black light flashlight to find it.
Spray bottle containing an enzymatic cleaner. Then spray everything within a 10-foot radius, up to one foot above the dog’s height. Also, anything the dog has laid on. Allow it to naturally evaporate. It should take about a day. Performs a miracle.
My boss raves about Pooph as an odor remover.
I’ve also heard very positive things about ozone cleansing.
As a chemist, please do not use ozone. It’s great in the atmosphere, and you’re not supposed to be down here.
Sprinkle baking soda onto any fabric and vacuum? If it were up to me, I’d probably start there.
I learned that you should not vacuum up anything in powder form. I almost set fire to my vacuum after using the baking soda carpet cleaner. I did some research and found that all that stuff, even the stuff sold at the store specifically for carpet, can ruin your vacuum. I could have used too much…who knows? Hah
I had no idea. It had never happened before. That’s terrible.
It’s not just liquid. I saw my vet do it on my girl recently. There are sometimes chunks. Hopefully there aren’t in your situation because that shit is obnoxiously disgusting.