Dog salivary gland infection

On Sunday, we noticed swelling around her neck area. We took her to the vet yesterday, and the vet suspects she might have been bitten by another dog while playing at the park. She’s currently on antibiotics.

Has anyone else faced a similar situation? If so, what was your experience?

I’ve dealt with a similar issue with my dog. The antibiotics helped a lot, and the swelling went down in a few days. Just make sure to follow the vet’s instructions and keep an eye on the area for any changes.

We tried conservatively treating my bulldog’s for almost nine months, but it kept coming back. It was infected after he unintentionally bit it one day, and things quickly got worse. We ultimately needed to perform surgery. We have had no problems since, and he is doing fantastic now. Two years have passed. It would be wise to have the procedure. Try using Scratch Pay or Care Credit to assist with payments. It’s also a very specialized and sensitive surgery, so use caution when comparing quotes. Verify if the soft tissue surgeon is skilled and has already performed these repairs. Wishing you luck!