Dog Breed Recommendations

I have never had a dog in my life and have been wanting one since I was a young child. Of course, my parents adopted a lab after I moved out. My husband has had multiple labs over the years, but I’m not sure I want a dog that size. What are your recommendations for adopting a dog when I have two cats already? Which types of dogs typically get along with cats? My cats have met dogs (specifically labs) and tolerate them. My husband and I are both 27 and work from home. We are both active people and like going on walks and hikes. We also own a 1400 sqft home with a yard. I was very interested in a few mixed breed Australian cattle dogs from a nearby shelter, but read that they may be difficult with cats and/or future children.

I have worked in boarding and vet med for several years. I do not recommend labs or cattle dogs for a first breed, especially if you get them as a puppy. Labs are way too excitable, not a breed I enjoy at all. I don’t understand why people think labs are family dogs. Most are poorly bred, though, like goldens. Cattle dogs are known to be okay until a baby comes into the home, so I wouldn’t recommend them if you plan on having children.

I recommend a toy breed, like a miniature poodle, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Brussels Griffon, or Havanese. I would not recommend a single terrier because even though they can be small, the sass is unreal.

I would look into King Charles Cavalier Spaniels. They are such sweet dogs and SOOO cute.

They are cute, but they also have severe genetic heart issues that kill many at a very early age.

Take into account possible health issues, grooming needs, and prey drive. I got a puppy because I was more comfortable with a dog I could raise with a cat. There are breed quizzes to help find one that fits your lifestyle.

Many shelters/adoption websites will have a filter for ‘good with cats’, which might help narrow your search. I found my dog through PetFinder which is one such website. I don’t know any low prey drive breeds off the top of my head (maybe a bulldog?), but I would definitely say no to a cattle dog mix.

A bench line Lab from a show breeder is generally a good choice. Goldens are fantastic dogs as well, if they come from a good breeder. Look at retired show dogs on Facebook. It’s a nice way to skip the puppy phase and get a health-tested, well-trained, and socialized dog.