Did I do the right thing?

There’s a cat that hangs out on my porch. She started showing up around the time it snowed in January. She had a purple collar with a bell but lost it. I’ve seen her at my neighbors’ house before, and there’s a large colony of feral cats in the area. After a while, she started living on my porch. I tried taking her back to the neighbors, but she always returned. Recently, she appeared pregnant and has since stayed on my porch. I set out water and made her a little hut. I noticed that the neighbors have seen her but haven’t mentioned anything. Tonight, since it was cold and she could give birth soon, I let her inside. She explored my home, and I made her a space to stay. Now I’m worried that she might belong to my neighbors and that I’ve taken their cat. Did I do the right thing?

You kept a pregnant cat indoors during a snowstorm. You did the right thing. They obviously don’t care about the cat if it’s not fixed and left outside.

You’ve been adopted! Take her to the vet soon to check for a microchip and make sure she’s healthy. Thank you for helping her!

You did a great thing! Get her vet-checked for a microchip, but if there’s none and she wants to stay, I say you’ve adopted a cat.

You absolutely did the right thing. If you’re worried, you could ask the neighbors if it’s their cat.

Of course you’re doing the right thing. Cats choose where they feel comfortable. If she’s happy with you, that’s what matters.