Confused About Which Small Dog Breed Would Be Best for Me

Hey folks…

Been thinking about getting a dog, but there are just so many breeds out there, and I’m feeling really confused about which one would suit me best.

I live in a medium-sized home and prefer small dog breeds. I’m looking for a cuddly dog that would love to sit with me on the couch while I do my college work or work from home. It’s also important that the dog is good with children since I have a lot of baby cousins who come to visit.

I don’t mind a bit of shedding or noise, but I do want a breed that can be trained easily because I’d love to teach my dog some tricks and basic commands. I spend most of my time at home, so my dog wouldn’t be left alone for long periods.

Does anyone have recommendations for breeds that might fit this description? I’d really appreciate any advice. Thanks :thinking: