A local cat has decided to ‘adopt’ us. He constantly sneaks into our home, and we initially thought he was a stray because he refuses to go near his actual owners. The owners have collected him multiple times and asked us not to let him in or feed him, but he keeps finding ways to get inside. He tricks people into letting him in and even waits for us to come home so he can dash in. We’ve tried chasing him off, but he just comes back.
What concerns us is that he’s friendly with everyone but avoids his own home. The owners don’t seem to be doing much to prevent this, and while we aren’t looking to steal someone’s pet, we’re at a loss for how to handle this. Any advice for getting him to go home or discouraging him from coming here (without harming him) would be greatly appreciated.
I pet a really social cat once, and it yowled outside my house all night wanting in. Its owners were just down the street, but it decided I was its new favorite human!
We had a similar situation with a dog. It kept coming to our house, and eventually, after the owner admitted they couldn’t care for it, we adopted the dog.
You might be in the UK based on some word spellings, so just be careful because laws differ. It might not be abuse, but the cat could just not like its owners for reasons we can’t see.
This happened with my grandma’s last cat. The neighbors didn’t care much for him, and eventually, they moved and left him behind. Maybe offer to take the cat off their hands?
Unless there are signs of abuse, you can’t really do much other than try to keep him out. Maybe call your local bylaw office if cats aren’t allowed to roam free.
EvansBrown said:
Unless there are signs of abuse, you can’t really do much other than try to keep him out. Maybe call your local bylaw office if cats aren’t allowed to roam free.
We’re doing our best to keep him out, but he’s getting sneakier and it’s harder to remove him without him getting suspicious. We’re trying everything to dissuade him without hurting him.