Cat congested again

My cat was recently treated for a URI. He finished a 7-day course of antibiotics, and now less than a week later, he is congested and sneezing again. I don’t know what’s going on :sob:

Do you have anything in your house that is bad for cats to smell?

Not that I can think of. I’ve changed their litter to a hypoallergenic one and I don’t use any scents where they stay.

I’d take him back in to the vet. Have him tested for feline leukemia. Has he had any subcutaneous fluids injected recently?

My cat is dealing with a URI currently. Day 5 of antibiotics and she isn’t improving. Vets tested her for feline leukemia and asked about the subcutaneous fluids. That’s why I recommend this.

What do you mean?

Sorry, I meant ‘injected.’

He hasn’t.

Ok. Like I said, I’m not in the veterinary field, but he probably just has a real bad URI that may take a couple courses of antibiotics. My dog recently had an infection that took two courses. But to be safe, it might be smart to have them do blood tests!

Okie dokes, thank you.

Also, my vet recommended using a warm mist humidifier in the room, or if you don’t have one, run a hot shower with kitty in the room to help with congestion. If you use a humidifier, don’t put any additives in it. Just water. Seemed to help my cat a bit.