Cat asthma attack?

I would appreciate it if you could avoid suggesting, “Just go to a vet.” I live in a small town, and unfortunately, all the vets within a two-hour drive are closed today and tomorrow.

This started on Saturday when my cat began having trouble breathing. While he hasn’t received an official diagnosis, I’m quite sure he has asthma, as he occasionally experiences minor attacks. Over the past day and a half, he’s been licking his lips as if he needs to vomit, and sometimes he brings up a small amount of mucus. At first, I thought it might be something he ate, but now I’m leaning toward it being allergy-related. He’s going to the bathroom normally, with no blood in his stool or urine, and none in the mucus. He does seem a bit lethargic at times, though he has moments where he appears to feel better, especially after using the bathroom.

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I am sorry for your cat’s illness, I know how frustrating it’s. Given the mucous and breathing difficulties, it does appear like your cat may have asthma or another respiratory condition. Another sign of nausea that could be caused by allergies or something hurting his airways is licking his lips.

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That’s what I too thought! As I mentioned in my last post, he has asthma for sure, but I was curious whether there were longer bouts like this one. In addition, he is under stress because we recently adopted a kitten last month and lost our other cat to a tumor a few months ago.

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Asthma is without doubt impacted by stress. Getting a vet checkup could help control his symptoms. I’m hoping he gets well soon