Can You Get a Pet Monkey?

Hi guys… I’ve always been fascinated by monkeys and was wondering if it’s possible to have one as a pet. I’ve heard mixed things about legality, care requirements, and whether it’s ethical. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks…

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Hello Petworld, Yes, you can get a pet monkey in some places, but it often requires special permits and comes with many legal, ethical, and practical considerations.

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Primates are not meant to be pets! Experts at Born Free and primatologists warn that these animals have intricate social needs, specific physical and behavioral requirements, and the ability to feel deep emotions. Keeping them as pets can cause them suffering.

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Hey, that’s a poor idea. They live far longer than expected and are more intellectual than most animals.

Yeah right, monkeys should not be kept as pets! they belong to the wild and let them just stay there please.

Yes, it is possible. When creating a habitat for a wild animal, carefully consider all circumstances. Do your research on what they will require for a comfortable lifestyle. What they will require from you as a carer. The cost of caring for them. They will need time and attention. Determine what you want and need.

Keeping a monkey as a pet is a very bad idea.

Monkeys need to live in groups, so buying just one is extremely cruel. It’s also challenging to find a group that hasn’t been illegally trafficked, so avoid supporting traffickers.

Monkeys are often aggressive and noisy, require a lot of space and outdoor time, and can be expensive to care for, including vet visits and fresh fruit.

They’re also likely to destroy your belongings.

While it’s technically possible to keep monkeys ethically, it’s very costly, difficult, and time-consuming. Most private owners unintentionally abuse their monkeys, causing significant harm.