Can Cats Eat Nuts?

Hey everyone…

I’ve noticed my cat showing interest in nuts lately, and I’m curious if it’s safe for cats to eat them. Can cats eat nuts like almonds, peanuts, or cashews? Are there any risks or considerations I should be aware of?


I suggest being cautious and monitoring them closely if they do eat it. A vet mentioned a few years ago that some cats, like humans, can have severe nut allergies.


I wouldn’t give my cat anything that wasn’t made of meat or meat derivatives.


No, cats should not eat peanuts. They do not need vegetables, grains, or legumes in their diet. High-protein, meat-based treats and food are the best for cats.

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ALMONDS are DANGEROUS for cats. Do not give them to your cat. My cat ate about 3-4 almonds while I stepped away from the jar. That evening, he was vomiting, his eyes were dilated, and his body felt stiff. We took him to the vet, where X-rays showed an obstruction in his stomach. Surgery was necessary to save his life, and it revealed the almonds. Cats cannot digest almonds, causing them to become lodged between the stomach and intestine. Thankfully, we got him to the vet in time. Although I have a big bill to pay, Poppy is now fine and recuperating from this awful ordeal.