Anyone else unsure about spaying or neutering their cat?

Hey, I’m just looking for some respectful opinions on spaying and neutering. My cat isn’t fixed, and I don’t want to do it because I’m worried it will change her. For context, she got out once and came back pregnant, but I don’t want that to happen again. I’m just trying to find other ways to prevent that without getting her fixed. What are your thoughts?

There’s no real reason not to spay your cat. It’s better for her health and prevents unwanted pregnancies. Plus, it can reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Lol, good luck teaching your cat abstinence! They don’t really get that concept :sweat_smile:. Spaying is your best bet.

Zan said:
Lol, good luck teaching your cat abstinence! They don’t really get that concept :sweat_smile:. Spaying is your best bet.

Haha, right? I can totally imagine someone trying to explain it to their cat :joy:

Her risk of cancer goes way up if you don’t spay her, especially as she gets older.

Hollis said:
Her risk of cancer goes way up if you don’t spay her, especially as she gets older.

Really? I didn’t know that. Can you explain a bit more?

Bennet said:

Hollis said:
Her risk of cancer goes way up if you don’t spay her, especially as she gets older.

Really? I didn’t know that. Can you explain a bit more?

Just Google it. You’ll see that not spaying increases the risk of things like mammary and uterine cancers.

If you don’t spay her, she’ll keep trying to get out when she’s in heat. It’s uncomfortable for them, and honestly, it’s safer and healthier to get it done.

Lane said:
If you don’t spay her, she’ll keep trying to get out when she’s in heat. It’s uncomfortable for them, and honestly, it’s safer and healthier to get it done.

Yeah, but I’m worried she won’t be the same afterward. I’ve seen cats change a lot after being fixed. I don’t want to lose her playful personality.

Trust me, her personality won’t change. She’ll just be less stressed and not constantly trying to escape. It’s better for her in the long run.

My cat was the same after being spayed, still super playful and loving. If anything, she’s happier now because she’s not going into heat every couple of weeks.

Rowan said:
My cat was the same after being spayed, still super playful and loving. If anything, she’s happier now because she’s not going into heat every couple of weeks.

That’s good to know. Did you notice any behavioral issues before getting her spayed?

Yeah, she was really restless and would yowl a lot at night. Since getting spayed, all of that has stopped. It’s been a big relief for both of us!

Spaying will prevent future kittens and lower her risk of cancer. It’s honestly the kindest thing you can do for her.

Lexi said:
Spaying will prevent future kittens and lower her risk of cancer. It’s honestly the kindest thing you can do for her.

Did your cat act any differently afterward?

Bennet said:

Lexi said:
Spaying will prevent future kittens and lower her risk of cancer. It’s honestly the kindest thing you can do for her.

Did your cat act any differently afterward?

Nope! She was still her playful self, just without the constant need to escape. Plus, no more surprise kittens, which was a huge bonus!

Your cat won’t resent you for spaying her. Cats don’t have the same emotional attachment to their reproductive organs as humans do. It’ll actually make her more comfortable since she won’t be in heat anymore.

Thanks for that! I’ve been worried about her behavior lately—she’s been super clingy and meowing all the time. Is that normal for an unspayed cat?

Bennet said:
Thanks for that! I’ve been worried about her behavior lately—she’s been super clingy and meowing all the time. Is that normal for an unspayed cat?

Yeah, that’s pretty common. Unspayed cats tend to act that way when they’re in heat. Spaying her should help calm her down a bit and make her more content.

I totally get being worried, but spaying really is the best option for your cat’s health and happiness. My cat is just as cuddly and playful as before!