So, I have this one cat who just can’t help himself when it comes to washing his paws in the water bowl. It’s a little gross because he uses the same bowl that our other cat and dog drink from. I’m wondering if there are any bowls out there that can help prevent him from contaminating their drinking water. Has anyone else dealt with this? What did you do?
How about giving him a separate bowl just for paw washing? A water fountain might also work well.
Merit said:
How about giving him a separate bowl just for paw washing? A water fountain might also work well.
Yeah, I was thinking about a fountain too. Do you think he would still try to wash in it?
IDK, my cat does the same thing. They just love the water, no matter what it is in.
As someone with MULTIPLE cats who do this, I can say they tend to wash their paws in every bowl they come across.
Sawyer said:
As someone with MULTIPLE cats who do this, I can say they tend to wash their paws in every bowl they come across.
That’s so true, I’ve noticed that too. It’s like they have a mission to wash paws in all the water bowls.
I found a bowl that doesn’t recycle water. It’s called the ‘Non-Recycling Paw Washer.’ It might help.
Chen said:
I found a bowl that doesn’t recycle water. It’s called the ‘Non-Recycling Paw Washer.’ It might help.
That sounds interesting. Do you have a link to it?
Honestly, just put out several bowls. Your cat is giving you clear instructions about what he wants.
Winter said:
Honestly, just put out several bowls. Your cat is giving you clear instructions about what he wants.
For real. I have to wash all their bowls every day to keep things clean.
My cat does the same thing, and I have another cat and small dog who drink out of it too. I put out a fountain bowl and put his washing bowl up high where the others can’t reach. He won’t wash in the fountain, and all three drink from it. Good luck figuring it out!
That’s a smart move. I might try that too. Thanks for the tip!
Lee said:
That’s a smart move. I might try that too. Thanks for the tip!
What do you mean by putting it up high? Like on a shelf?
Lee said:
That’s a smart move. I might try that too. Thanks for the tip!
What do you mean by putting it up high? Like on a shelf?
Yeah, just somewhere the other pets can’t reach. It keeps the washing separate!
Chen said:
I found a bowl that doesn’t recycle water. It’s called the ‘Non-Recycling Paw Washer.’ It might help.
That sounds interesting. Do you have a link to it?
Yeah, here it is: : Petgravity Smart Cat Water Fountain with Self-Refill Tipping Sewage Separation Pet Water Dispenser : Pet Supplies. Hope it helps!