I have an eight-year-old Belgian Malinois. Now she was my first dog and I had many mistakes with her and she is not, in fact, very socialized. In the soldier’s case, she becomes very aggressive with other dogs and is becoming that way even with people as she grows older. I picked a kitten today and I wanted to take her home but I’m afraid that they will not be friendly to each other. Is it possible to make this work, for example, arrange a schedule of visits that will allow the frequent visit of the kitten to my home, or should I just look for a home for this curious animal?
I would recommend finding a new home for the cat. An aggressive dog and a cat can and will not end well.
yeah that was my first thought too
I would also get a home for this kitten. I have two reactive dogs and my cats have known them since they were puppies which is quite a flex. If they are with new cats which they have never met before then they will kill them (we no longer put them close to new cats). If you don’t like a dead kitten, I recommend to rehome.
That breed has a high prey drive even when they’re properly socialized
You urgently have to find the kitten another home you have to. The boy will burn the $$ xem, or that dog will kill the kitten. If you are not well socialized or the dog is aggressive when you met then the dog is aggressive. Well, I can’t even fathom why you had to bring home another animal to begin with. This dog per se is dangerous.
Please keep in mind the following information:
Your own dog’s reaction to a new kitten might be somewhat unpredictable. Some small dog breeds are more likely to accept a kitten as their own, but not all dogs will react this way. It is important to introduce the kitten to your dog carefully.
Start by allowing your dog to smell the kitten’s scent on your clothes and listen to the kitten’s noises. Then, bring the kitten close to the dog, allowing them to sniff each other. If you notice any signs of aggression from the dog, remove the kitten from the situation immediately.
Dogs can quickly become attached to a new kitten and see it as part of their family. However, if your dog doesn’t warm up to the kitten quickly, it’s best not to force the situation. For shy dogs, consider using a partition, such as a chain-link kennel, to allow the dog and kitten to safely sniff each other.
It’s generally easier for young kittens to be accepted by dogs, while older kittens may face more challenges, especially if the dog has a hunting instinct. However, even breeds with a hunting background can be introduced to kittens and learn to accept and even protect them when introduced properly.
It’s crucial to supervise their interactions closely and provide a safe space for the kitten to retreat. Gradual introductions and positive reinforcement for both animals can help ease tensions.