Ugh, I need help ASAP. I know I might hear the same advice I’ve already found on Google and other Reddit posts, but I’m desperate.
I found a litter of 3 kittens, but unfortunately, only 1 has survived this far. She’s not pooping despite constant stimulation and belly massages. I swear I massage and stimulate her (gently) for 30-40 minutes, and still nothing.
I’m waiting for test results to come back—I dropped off the tiniest poop sample for a full panel test. I’ve also been taking her to the vet, but they can’t do much because she’s so small. My vet suggests trying different formulas.
At most, she passes gas and has the occasional squirts, but even that is very minimal. However, for the past 24 hours, the squirts have stopped, and now she’s not pooping at all. She used to poop, but it was like just that one time. I don’t know what changed!
After our most recent feed, I switched to liquid Petlac, added an extra tablespoon of water, and -1-2 drops of olive oil. I haven’t seen any progress with this switch yet, but I’m hopeful. I’ve also given her a bit of subcutaneous fluids to help with constipation and started giving her 0.5ml of KittyLyte electrolytes daily (since when she does poop, it’s very mucoid). She’s peeing fine, but no poop!
Tomorrow, I’ll receive a package with Breeder’s Edge kitten formula, and we’ll give that a try. I don’t mean to keep switching formulas on her, but it’s only been in the last 36 hours that she hasn’t pooped, and I’m really worried. Her belly is big, and I’m concerned she might have megacolon (even though I read it’s rare for kittens) or that something could herniate. She’s being fed every 2-3 hours but not passing anything, and I can almost feel firmness in what might be her intestines when I massage her gently.
Please help! I can’t bear the thought of losing the last kitten of the litter. Why would I be put in a situation to save them if I can’t even do that for one?