Would This Be Classified as Pre-Existing?

So I currently have insurance for my dog, and I’ve had to use it a couple of times.

I noticed some discharge from his penis and took him to the vet. The vet did a urinalysis, which revealed mild blood in his urine. The vet thought it could be bladder stones, so they referred me to a specialist vet hospital for an ultrasound. The ultrasound came back negative, and the vet said it might have just been due to him licking his genitals.

I also noticed he was “bunny hopping” and mentioned it to the vet. The vet referred us to a specialist for x-rays to check for any hip concerns, but everything came back negative.

If I wanted to switch pet insurance providers, would these issues be considered pre-existing, even though they did full examinations and everything came up negative, with my pet being healthy?

No diagnosis was made, and everything was negative. You should swap easily. If the new firm asks why the tests were done, say you wanted to cover all bases since you care about your dog’s health.

However, my boy dog had several penile secretions for years. Some odd bright lime green, some transparent, some milky, pee on the bed, etc. Years of blood testing and tests showed he was healthy and never had an issue. Dogs have smegma like people since they roll in dirt, lick their butthole, genitals, and more. I had a panic attack when I saw something bright orange on my boy’s erect penis, but I fed him a carrot earlier and discovered a little amount had transferred to the pink flesh. Blech.

Was a UTI ruled out if his test showed a little blood? Be aware of it and throw a white paper towel beneath him when he pees if you’re uncertain. Infection is indicated by dark urine.