Hi, this might be a silly question, but I have two dogs and one cat. I’m wondering if my cat would still feel lonely even though he has dogs to play with. Right now, I’m taking care of my friend’s cat, so my cat has another cat to play with at the moment, and they seem to be enjoying each other’s company. My cat grew up with dogs, so I can see that he’s learning new things from my friend’s cat, like climbing to the top of my cabinet, which is kind of a pain. But I’m worried that once I return the cat, my cat will feel lonely. I’m thinking of getting another cat, but having a lot of pets is pretty expensive, and I don’t really have the budget for it.
Your kitty has the dogs, so it might not be necessary to get another pet, especially if your budget is tight. Cats can bond with dogs, but having another cat could be nice too.
I think it depends on the cat’s personality. Some cats are more social and might miss having another cat around, while others are fine with just dogs. Have you noticed how your cat acts with the dogs?
Lennon said:
I think it depends on the cat’s personality. Some cats are more social and might miss having another cat around, while others are fine with just dogs. Have you noticed how your cat acts with the dogs?
Yeah, he seems to get along well with the dogs, but I just feel bad thinking he might get lonely without another cat.
If your cat is used to having another cat around, he might feel a bit lonely when your friend’s cat leaves. But dogs can provide companionship too, so maybe it will be okay.
I totally get where you’re coming from. It’s tough to balance everything. Have you thought about how your cat interacts with the dogs? Sometimes they can be pretty good company.
LizCampbell said:
I totally get where you’re coming from. It’s tough to balance everything. Have you thought about how your cat interacts with the dogs? Sometimes they can be pretty good company.
He seems to enjoy their company, but I can’t help but think he might miss the other cat a lot.
Maybe consider adopting another cat later when you have more budget. It’s great that you’re thinking about your cat’s feelings. Just keep an eye on how he does with just the dogs for now.