Why does my cat knead on soft surfaces, and what does it mean?

Hi everyone, I’ve noticed my cat constantly kneading on soft surfaces like blankets and my lap. It’s cute but also a bit puzzling. Sometimes she does it so vigorously that she seems almost hypnotized. Is this normal behavior? What could be causing her to do this, and does it have any specific meaning? Any insights or experiences you can share would be really helpful! Thanks in advance.

Totally normal… Cats knead because it’s like their way of showing love and comfort. It’s kinda their “happy dance.” They might also be reliving kittenhood vibes. My cat does this too, and it’s like her way of saying “I’m super chill here.” If she’s kneading you with gusto, she’s just really comfy and happy. :smile_cat::sparkles:

Cats knead soft surfaces for several reasons. It’s often a sign of pleasure, showing they feel happy or content. When your cat kneads on your lap, it’s a way of expressing affection. Kneading can also be a self-soothing behavior for cats when they’re stressed.