I’m staying with my cousin and both her cats are staring at me while I’m about to sleep. They haven’t done this the last few nights but I had a PTSD trigger and was stressing and a bit scared. Are they picking up on that or am I overthinking it and they’re just being little weirdos? They’re so cute but it’s very weird lmao. One’s at the bottom of the couch and just sits and stares. The other is chilling at the top of a couch. Cute but weird and if my face gets eaten we’ll know who to blame at least.
They’re cats. They are plotting your death while you sleep.
Sounds about right for other cats but it’s so weird with these guys. The girl lets anyone touch and pet her stomach no problem. They both have never bitten and the guy has swatted a few times but they’re so peaceful for the most part. I blame my cousin for that tho. Any time she rescues a cat they turn into angels. She had a cat that would wake up from a dead sleep when she would sing a certain song for him and run right to her. Her other cats also were trained to sit and high five and stuff.
One of mine who isn’t a cuddler will do this, because when I am asleep they will come over and sleep against me. I’ll wake up and feel them laying along my back or they’ll have their little sleepy face on my pillow. It was unnerving when I first got him. But he’s a timid sweetheart who just wants to snuggle when no one’s looking/acknowledging him for now.
Our 1 cat potty trained himself. Yes, the actual toilet .
That commenter was joking. I have a super sweet cat and a couple that aren’t so warm. All three of them will randomly stare at us throughout the night. I’ve read that it’s because cats tend to sleep very deeply for a long time. So by us sleeping deeply for 7+ hours they think we might be dead and will sometimes boop or tap us to make sure we’re ok. They are just staring. Probably because you’re new and they are curious.
And have been suspected of snuggling unsuspecting people to death.
Just invite them to cuddle.
Kit said:
Just invite them to cuddle.
I have but they don’t really cuddle. Sometimes they rub on me and they’re fine being picked up and babied but if I tap on the couch they don’t really care lol.
You can slowly blink at them, I can’t remember exactly what it’s supposed to mean but it’s something along the lines of comfort and affection.
Orin said:
You can slowly blink at them, I can’t remember exactly what it’s supposed to mean but it’s something along the lines of comfort and affection.
It means you trust them. If they also do it that means they trust you. It’s as close to an I Love You than you can get.
They’re probably picking up on your feelings. Cats will generally do the night watch from the very first night, not start in the middle. Definitely cuddle with them if you can - cats’ purrs are very calming.
Animals can smell chemical changes. When you are triggered, you release epinephrine. It’s possible the cats detected this and were curious. I have PTSD too and my cats come to comfort me when I have my moments. I think it’s cause they’ve known me for a long time.
My cousin also has anxiety and can have panic attacks so the cats might know the smell and be curious about me again. They’re so cute :,)
When I lived in my old toxic home my cats wouldn’t leave my side when I had an episode - even if I didn’t know it. They definitely pick up on it!
Idk depends on how they’re staring. If they’re a little squinty that’s a good thing. Even though it makes them looked pissed to us that’s a “I’m chill, we’re chill” look.
Darcy said:
Idk depends on how they’re staring. If they’re a little squinty that’s a good thing. Even though it makes them looked pissed to us that’s a “I’m chill, we’re chill” look.
They’ve slow blinked before and they aren’t staring now. The one from the floor is now loafing under the Christmas tree but they kinda just had neutral eyes and looked at me.
Slow blinks are an even better sign. The chillest of cat gestures.
If the eyes aren’t fully open (like the other person said they’ll look angry), they’re relaxed and just enjoying your company. If eyes are wide open they’re alert, it could be concern or waiting for you to do something (like feed them). In general I think they people watch us like we watch them, like hey maybe this human will do something interesting! I find cats to be sensitive to our emotions, so wouldn’t be surprised if they picked up on your anxiety as well.
Our cats do this when people visit for longer than a few hours. I feel like they are just watching what’s going on because it’s not part of their normal routine.