What unexpected things have you experienced when leaving your pet at home?

Had a sheppy/pittie who’d get out of his crate every time. No clue how, we tried reinforcing the latch with carabiners, zip ties, everything. Now I have a Maligator who climbs the counters, gets up on the fridge, and eats the butter. She also makes nests from the laundry.

My pig destroys her bed every single day so I come home to a snow party with all the stuffing flung around the living room.

We once came home to our dog in the middle of the living room surrounded by 2 ft of feathers in every direction. I HAD a California king-size feather down comforter… It was like a $400 comforter. I had left it on the chair in the living room after bringing it back from the dry cleaners. Big mistake! That was a nightmare to clean up and I was still finding feathers months later! Another time I came home to my cat Shovel covered in warmer wax. Apparently, he knocked over the wax warmer and got it all over himself. Well he wasn’t much for baths even on a good day. So you should have seen me trying to get wax off him. Absolute horror show! I was scratched to shit and he was patchy and waxy for a while. Luckily it was almost all on the top of his back where he couldn’t lick it. I never have had a wax warmer since. Maybe someday when my Shovel is not quite so prone to curiosity. :roll_eyes::rofl:

Dog with so much anxiety from being left home he would break the kennel. After 2 times, well left him loose in the house. He did great then on, but he still has his anxiety. Chocolate lab Mastiff mix.

I came home to a scene in my back laundry room like a bomb had gone off. Everything off the shelves, shelves knocked over etc. I kept a shoe rack in there, near the back door, and that was destroyed and shoes everywhere. Very puzzling as both doggos were normally very good and never destructive. When I picked everything up, right at the bottom was a very very deceased moth :rofl:.

Had a dog that we crated when we would leave because we didn’t want her getting into anything or risk a dog fight. One day we come home to her loose in the house but her crate still locked and the other dog still chilling in that room. We put her out, walk the house to see if there’s anything wrong. In the center of our kitchen island, dead center, is a singular turd.