Solution for Cat Spilling Water Bowl

Hello everyone,

I am in need of a solution to stop my cat from spilling his water bowl.

I have tried various bowl sizes, adjusting the water level, refilling more often, using weighted bowls meant for dogs, placing a mat underneath, and even different water fountains, but nothing works.

He consistently spills the water. It usually starts with him nudging and pawing at the bowl, escalating to pushing it across the room for no apparent reason. Sometimes he does this right after I refill it, other times he waits a while.

The only time he doesn’t spill is when the bowl is in the sink and he gets soaked from spilling it, but he just sits in the sink. Since I moved, my new sink is deep but small, so that solution no longer works.

I am out of ideas, so any other suggestions would be appreciated. I have considered gluing a bowl to a tray and using command strips to secure the tray to the floor, but I am not sure if that would be effective.

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I kinda had the same issue with my cat. I tried everything, too. What finally worked for me was getting a bowl with a non-slip base and a lip around the edge to keep the water from spilling. You might also want to try a heavier ceramic bowl—cats tend to push around lighter plastic ones. It sounds like your cat is really playful, so something sturdy and hard to move might be your best bet

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Sure, here’s the list:

  1. Get a Vet Checkup: Ensure your cat doesn’t have any health issues causing the behavior.
  2. Cat Water Fountains: Cats often prefer moving water, which may reduce spillage.
  3. Regular Water Changes: Fresh water can be more appealing and reduce the urge to play with it.
  4. Change The Cat’s Water Bowl: Opt for a heavier, non-tip bowl or one with a wider base.
  5. Reduce The Volume: Don’t fill the bowl to the brim; leaving some space can prevent spills.
  6. Add Some Weight: Place the water bowl on a stable surface or use a heavier bowl.
  7. Attention Seeking: Consider if your cat is seeking attention and address any underlying reasons.
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do I get my cat to stop spilling the water bowl?
Change your cat’s water frequently—at least once daily. You can add ice cubes so the water is cold although some cats may see the cubes as toys and will play with their water even more. Try alternative water bottles like non-spill bottles that are used for guinea pigs or other small animals.

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Hi i wanted to help you out. you will need a bowl like this Dog Drinking Bowl No Spill - 70oz Anti-Splash Water Dispenser – Pawfect Bowls

This one actually prevents spills, its intended for dogs but a cat can use it no problem as well. Might take them a bit more time to get used to it but i think this would help a lot. Sorry for adding this link, dont want to advertise or anything just wanted to help you out.

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Have you tried different-shaped bowls? Maybe this isn’t relevant to you, but my cat used to make a large mess by sticking his paw in the water bowl and drinking the water. I read somewhere that cats dislike having their whiskers contact the side of a bowl when drinking, so I tried a rectangular bowl. There is no more mess.

Not your problem, but perhaps the reason your cat is pushing the bowl?