My boyfriend’s roommates have a dog and a cat. The dog is left in a kennel for about 22 hours a day, and he has a rash on his butt that I think is from the kennel. He isn’t trained, and in our city, the law requires pets to be spayed or neutered by six months old, but neither of them are fixed. The cat is trapped in their bedroom 24/7, and it reeks of cat pee. They recently got a shock collar for the dog to control his behavior because he’s so rambunctious when he’s outside the kennel. They only bring the cat out to scare her with the dog, thinking it’s funny. Neither animal has been taken for shots since they moved in last March. I’m at a loss about what to do. I’ve considered calling PETA, law enforcement, or the humane society, but I want to remain anonymous to avoid conflict since they still have eight months on their lease. I try to take the dog for walks and give him some playtime when both of them aren’t around, but it’s rare. I’ve begged them to care for their animals, but they think their treatment is fine.
You should definitely consider reporting this situation. It’s not just about the animals’ well-being; it’s also against the law in your city. An anonymous report could lead to a welfare check without creating a rift.
It sounds like the animals are suffering. Contacting a local animal welfare organization might help. They can provide resources and potentially intervene without revealing your identity.
It’s great that you’re trying to help when you can, but the situation needs more than just occasional walks. If you feel comfortable, gather evidence (photos, notes on their behavior) to support your report.
You could also try talking to your landlord if you think the living conditions are affecting the animals’ health. They might have a responsibility to ensure that tenants are not violating animal welfare laws.
Consider reaching out to friends or community members who might have connections in animal rescue or legal advice. They can guide you on the best steps to take without exposing your identity.