My Dog is Scared of Bananas 😭

Vacuum cleaners? Totally understandable. But bananas? My dog acts like they’re out to get him. One sniff and he’s running for the hills. Does your dog have a totally random fear too? Let’s hear those funny stories—because I can’t be the only one with a banana-phobic baby here. It’s so funny the way he runs every time he sees a banana.

I have a pitbull that’s afraid of one of my cats, rain, water, catnip cat toys, bananas, crows, and mud.

My dog is scared of the Febreze bottle.

My dog is afraid of thunderstorms or large boxes/containers. Maybe large objects as well as she’ll just move out of the way.

My childhood dog was petrified of helium balloons.

My dog was afraid of balloons, but only if they were on the TV. I think I traumatized him by watching ‘UP’!

Anything big and foreign in a tall man’s hands. My dog will start barking and doing the bitey snap thing towards the object.

He sniffed that potassium-40. Sounds like you got yourself a geiger dog!

One of my sweet dogs was afraid of our SodaStream. We had to move it to the basement.

My cat freaks out whenever he sees my feather duster. My theory is that he thinks it’s some big scary animal.

My dog gets really upset about small animals. Ferrets and rabbits are especially heinous creatures, apparently, and the only reason he doesn’t pawstomp them is because he’s too busy running in the opposing direction.

Mine doesn’t like containers he can’t see into, like a bucket or box open side facing him, or anything coming from the sky. Rain? Terrifying. Falling leaves? Terrifying. The ocean and rivers are also scary. He’s a great dane.

My dog was afraid of us cooking lamb.

Many are.

My Iggy Cooper was scared of leaves. Of course he only weighed 4.5 lbs and the sycamores in the yard did have huge leaves.

I had a German Shepherd, Abby, she was utterly terrified of tissue boxes. Grabbing a Kleenex from the box made her bolt across the room to hide.

Afraid of the salad spinner and Mylar balloons. Was initially terrified of our new barbecue grill. Boxer mix.

My Chesapeake when I was a youth was terrified of cardboard boxes. My current dog is just afraid of reasonable things like gunshots and fireworks.

My dog’s scared of blowing leaves when we walk. Ready to bolt to another county. Have leaves in the yard that blow around she’s fine with that.