A few years back, I was living in a rural area in Arizona with a lot of coyotes that would come out when everyone was sleeping. My family has three dogs and one chose me as her person. She’s a very smart, passive, and calm girl. We saved her from the shelter as a young pup, and she just understands everything like she speaks English. One night, I was having bad cold pains deep in my legs and was restlessly tossing and turning. At around 4 AM, I finally got up and went outside to the hot tub to soothe my legs. I must have been in there for about 5 mins when my girl came out and laid outside in the cold with me. A few minutes after that, she started growling deep in her throat, which is something very uncommon of her. She heard the coyotes outside our house and came to stand guard while I was out there. She’s such a good girl.
My last dog used to park himself between the hot tub and the woods whenever we were in it. We have coyotes nearby, and he took great offense to their ‘singalongs’. He was a white dog, 32# in his prime, but by God he was going to protect his territory.
What a wonderful dog and a good girl.
This is why I will always choose my dogs over other people.