My cat was exposed directly to orkin flea spray

So, my partner works late at night, so our sleep schedule is a bit backward. Today, around 2:30 PM, we were both asleep when I was suddenly woken up by the sound of someone spraying something. My boyfriend, wearing a gas mask, opened the bedroom door, quickly shut it again, and yelled that we shouldn’t be out of the room because they were spraying. He kept spraying while I panicked, trying to get to my cat, who was in the living room.

I screamed at him that I was looking for my cat, but he insisted there was no cat in the room. I was frantic because I knew my cat was somewhere in the apartment. I woke up my boyfriend in tears, and thankfully, he found our cat, who was okay, but had been exposed to a lot of the spray. We weren’t informed about any maintenance or spraying in advance.

My boyfriend called the apartment office, and they said there had been a mix-up, even though they had given him the keys. We took our cat to my in-laws, bathed him, and he seemed fine now. However, I’m considering scheduling a vet appointment to make sure he’s completely okay. This is my first cat, and he means the world to me. I’ve never dealt with something like this before, and I’m worried because the man who was spraying had a gas mask on, and I was exposed to the chemicals while frantically searching for my cat.

Just a quick update: our cat is doing well. He’s eating, drinking, using the bathroom normally, and playing like usual. I spoke with my vet, and my mother-in-law spoke with hers, and they both advised me to keep an eye on him for any unusual behavior and to bring him in if needed. We were lucky in this situation. When it was safe to return home, I had to throw out his exposed food, water, and non-washable toys and bedding, which got soaked. Everything else is replaceable, and we’re just grateful he’s okay.


I would take him in. A short Google search reveals the same thing. Exposure to pesticides requires rapid medical intervention before symptoms appear.


Oh, I would pursue this further with your rental company. It’s absurd and illegal for them to come into your unit in the middle of the night and spray deadly chemicals without warning? I’d ask for one month’s rent for free.


One month’s rent + vet bills


If this cat isn’t at a vet’s office for monitoring and treatment, you need to be loading him up right now.

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They should have given notice about the spraying. The bug person had no idea there was a pet there. Hope you took the cat to the vet, for timing is of the essence.