So my cat, Torti, is about 4/5 years old and female. I’ve had her since she was 6-10 weeks old, and she’s been my sole cat since around two years ago. She lives in my room and only seems to trust me; when my family enters my room, she hides and is wary of their movements.
Sometimes she will approach me and head but me until I pet her. When I pause, she sometimes headbutts me for a few seconds before becoming annoyed and turning around to lie down. Sometimes she may attack me with full force and scratch me horribly. I do not know what to do.
I truly don’t know what else to do lol! She’s an aggressive cat, which is typical for her breed, but I believe I’m doing something wrong. Please help!
It sounds like she is either waiting for you to continue, is overstimulated, or just wants to play. Have you tried redirecting her to a toy when this happens? I realize she’s no longer a kitten, but cats her age still like playing and hunting, in my experience.
Also, I’m curious what breed she is. Torti is a coat pattern, not a breed, unless you meant it that way. All of the tortoises I’ve met have been adorable. I understand that people claim this, but coat design has no genuine effect on personality; it simply adds to anecdotal “evidence.”
I don’t know much else about her breed; at the clinic, they categorized her as a tortoiseshell, so I have noticed that she’s more interested in the toys I recently bought her, so that could be the explanation; thank you.
Yes, try playing!
For future reference, coat types include tortishell, tabby, calico, and so on. Most cats lack “breeds” like dogs because they were not carefully bred by humans over generations, resulting in the great majority of cats being “mutts” for want of a better name. Breeders do breed some purebred cats, such as Prussian Blue, Siamese, Maine Coon, and so on, but they are uncommon and usually quite expensive.
Unless someone has breeder papers, their cat is almost always a “domestic [insert hair length]” and there’s no way to tell the difference. So if your cat has short hair, she’s a domestic short-hair tortie or a domestic, If she has shorthair with a torti coat, as you want; if she has medium hair, she is a domestic medium-hair torti, and so on.
Sorry for rambling; I hope you found it at least moderately interesting. Best of luck!
She is annoyed that her slave is not attending to her as required.
Do better, slave.
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