My baby cat won't stop crying

She is 2 months old and pretty well behaved, but she won’t stop meowing really loudly all the time. She has food, water, and her litter box is clean. I play with her every day, but I don’t know what else she could want. She even meows while purring, so she isn’t sad. The meowing stops when I’m giving her attention or playing with her, which I can’t do 24/7.

8 weeks is too young to be away from mom. Should be 12. Are you able to care for two cats as their forever home? If so, consider getting a second kitten.

I have 2 more cats, but they still don’t get along with her. I’m in the process of getting them used to each other.

Now I’m no expert, but I think you just got a REALLY energetic cat.

Yeah LMAO she is.

Play with your cat for at least 30 minutes several times a day. The crying will stop. Just don’t do it only when she cries, or you’ll train her to cry for attention.