I lost my boy tonight

I am still in shock at how quickly everything happened. One moment he seemed fine, and the next, he wasn’t himself. I rushed him to the vet, and after they took him to the back for an exam, the veterinarian came out 15 minutes later with devastating news. They found a cancerous tumor in his stomach that had ruptured, causing fatal internal bleeding. They tried CPR for a few minutes but couldn’t revive him. It all happened within an hour, but it felt so sudden and unreal. I’m at a loss for words, thoughts, or actions. Has anyone else been through something like this? Any advice would be appreciated.


I’m really sorry for your loss :confused:.

If there’s any silver lining, it’s that he was happy right until the end. Sometimes, it’s a blessing when it happens so quickly, even though it’s still really hard.

I have had a lot of pets, mostly older or sick ones, so I’ve had to say goodbye to each of them in the end. None of them passed away from old age, but I’m grateful that it happened quickly. After seeing humans suffer for years, I realize how much worse it could be.

One moment, they’re living their best life, and the next, all we have are the memories… It’s never easy :wilted_flower:.


I am so, so sorry for your loss.


Sorry, 4 the loss. Would you like to tell us about him? I would love to hear about how special he was if sharing would ease your pain. :heart:


This exact thing happened to my Shi Tzu Woogie Thanksgiving 2022. It was so fast and awful. I am so sorry 4 the loss @MollySnuggleton, I know how painful it’s painful.


Last year my cat had a stroke and had to be euthanized. It was such a shock. This year my remaining cat has been sick for 4 months and I thought I would lose her. It’s hard whether it’s sudden or a long illness. Nothing can prepare you. The saddest part of owning pets is their short life compared to ours. Sorry 4 the loss.


My dog had a stroke. One day she was a happy, slightly older girl, and the next, she lost control of one side of her body, couldn’t keep food down, and seemed confused. The vet said nothing could be done and that it would be kinder to let her go, so we did. It absolutely broke my heart.

The best advice I can give is to talk about them and share their stories when you’re ready. That’s how you keep them with you.


I would be in total shock and grief, and I suspect that will take a long time to pass. My only suggestion would be to get a new little companion as fast as possible and grief it out together. If I had had my little fellow when my mom died, I am sure I would not have gone down as dark a roar as I did in that period. I wish you all the best!


this might help but also a lot of people feel guilt that they don’t love or bond with the new pet the same way. It’s unfortunate but it happens sometimes with how our brains process grief, normally they have a wonderful relationship later but it’s a rough “honeymoon” period


:broken_heart::broken_heart::sob::sob::crying_cat_face::crying_cat_face: Im sorry 4 the loss. Take heart


My 17.5-year-old dog was happy and healthy until the day he had a fatal seizure. Happened so fast :confused: he was the best dog ever and I miss him every day. I am so sorry for your loss :sob:


I am so very sorry for your loss. Our pups are our family.

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