I love my cat more than anything. But dating life has taken a backseat due to my cat.
I’m a 30 year old man. I can more than afford my own place. In fact, I already rent a place that I’m barely ever at. I bought another condo that will be finished in the next few years.
I stay at home with my family. I ended up with a cat not by choice, but decided to commit to taking care of him. He’s since become a part of the family, where everyone loves him and he has a big house to roam around in.
Even though I want to move out and am able to, I can’t fathom stripping him away from all this. He’s in a place where there is constant love and attention for him. Where he’s happy. To move him away from all that would break my heart.
I’m also his favourite human. He sleeps with me and loves hanging around me. So I can’t just abandon him at my family’s home and go live my life. It’s not right.
At the same time, I still miss having my own space. I miss being able to have dates come stay with me. I don’t really know what to do.