How many times a day do you feed your pets?

I’ve met a handful of people that say they only feed their dog once a day. This seems odd to me, but I don’t have pets so I never said anything. I just know that even if I ate my daily caloric intake of 2,300 calories a day once in the morning, I would still be hungry later in the day. That’s mainly why we split up meals as humans. Is it not the same for pets? Does anyone feed them 3 times a day?

I feed my dog twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. Seems to work well for her.

I feed my pup three times a day, especially since she’s still a puppy. Keeps her energy up and helps with digestion.

I used to feed my dog once a day, but he seemed so lethargic. I switched to twice a day and he’s much more active now.

Once a day seems tough. I’d feel hungry too if I only ate once. I can’t imagine it being different for dogs.

Feeding schedules can vary a lot depending on the pet’s age and health. Always good to check with a vet too.