How do I become my dog's favorite?

I’m the youngest in the family, and we recently got a dog (about 1 1/2 year old female GSD). She doesn’t seem to favor me at all. If I’m around my mom and/or sister, she totally ignores me. Like today, my sister was playing fetch with her, and when I took over, the dog just brought the ball back to my sister! It’s like she doesn’t even care if I’m having a rough day or want to be close to her, unlike how she is with my sister. The weird thing is, I was her favorite when she first came home. I spend the most time with her while my sister sees her only occasionally. I’ve tried everything to get her to like me more, but nothing seems to work. How do I get her to like me more?

The person who does things like taking the dog to training usually ends up being the favorite. Don’t stress too much about it, though. Not everyone can be the favorite, and honestly, your parents should be her favorites!

It’s common for dogs to have that one person they gravitate towards. Sometimes there’s no reason for it, but it can help if you bond with her during special activities. Maybe try training her or taking her for walks?

That makes sense! I’ll definitely try to spend more one-on-one time with her.

My dog likes my brother more, but I don’t mind. I get to skip feeding him, lol!

Just keep showering her with love and attention. Dogs can sense your feelings, and she might come around in her own time.

Eden said:
Just keep showering her with love and attention. Dogs can sense your feelings, and she might come around in her own time.

Thanks, I’ll keep trying! I just want her to know how much I care.